
“We Were on a Break: Friends Trivia Marathon”

“Friends” is a popular American TV sitcom that aired from 1994 to 2004, spanning 10 seasons. It follows the lives, relationships, and humorous adventures of six friends in their 20s and 30s living in New York City: Ross Geller, Rachel Green, Monica Geller, Chandler Bing, Joey Tribbiani, and Phoebe Buffay. The show revolves around their personal and professional ups and downs, covering themes of love, friendship, career struggles, and the challenges of adulthood.

The series became a cultural phenomenon, known for its witty dialogue, memorable catchphrases, and the strong chemistry among its main cast. It remains highly popular worldwide, known for its humor, relatable storylines, and iconic moments.

  • Question of

    What is the name of Ross and Carol’s son?

    • Jack
    • Ben
    • David
    • Joey
  • Question of

    What was the name of Chandler’s annoying ex-girlfriend who worked as a janitor?

    • Kathy
    • Emily
    • Janice
    • Ursula
  • Question of

    What is the name of Joey’s stuffed penguin?

    • Hugsy
    • Waddle
    • Mr. Snuggles
    • Frosty
  • Question of

    What is the title of the theme song for “Friends”?

    • “You’ve Got a Friend”
    • “With a Little Help from My Friends”
    • “I’ll Be There for You”
    • “Best Friends Forever”
  • Question of

    Which of Joey’s sisters does Chandler kiss at Joey’s birthday party?

    • Gina
    • Mary Angela
    • Dina
    • Veronica
  • Question of

    What is the name of the coffee shop where the group frequently hangs out?

    • The Daily Grind
    • Café Perk
    • Central Perk
    • Java Hut
  • Question of

    What is the name of Ross’s second wife, who leaves him during their honeymoon?

    • Carol
    • Rachel
    • Emily
    • Susan
  • Question of

    Which friend famously said, “We were on a break!”?

    • Joey
    • Ross
    • Chandler
    • Monica
  • Question of

    What holiday does Chandler hate the most?

    • Thanksgiving
    • Christmas
    • Halloween
    • Valentine’s Day
  • Question of

    What fruit is Ross allergic to?

    • Peaches
    • Apples
    • Strawberries
    • Kiwi

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