“The Marvels” is an exciting sequel to “Captain Marvel” that brings back Brie Larson as Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel. This time, she teams up with two new superheroines: Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel), played by Iman Vellani, and Monica Rambeau, portrayed by Teyonah Parris.
The story kicks off with a cosmic disturbance that mysteriously connects the powers of Carol, Kamala, and Monica. As they try to figure out why their abilities are linked, they must work together to face a powerful new enemy, Dar-Benn, a Kree general with dangerous plans. Their adventure takes them on a thrilling journey across the universe, testing their strength and teamwork.
“The Marvels” dives into themes of identity, belonging, and the power of working together. Each character goes through significant personal growth as they discover more about themselves and their roles in the universe. Directed by Nia DaCosta, the film mixes action, humor, and heartfelt moments, expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe and paving the way for more cosmic adventures to come.
Question of
What is the primary superpower of Carol Danvers, also known as Captain Marvel?
Super strength
Flight and energy projection
Question of
What is Kamala Khan’s superhero alias?
Captain Marvel Jr.
Marvel Girl
Ms. Marvel
Question of
Which actress portrays Kamala Khan in “The Marvels”?
Tessa Thompson
Hailee Steinfeld
Iman Vellani
Question of
What is Monica Rambeau’s superhero name in “The Marvels”?
Question of
What unique ability does Kamala Khan possess that distinguishes her from other superheroes?
Super speed
Shapeshifting and size manipulation
Mind reading
Question of
Monica Rambeau first appeared as a child in which Marvel movie?
Iron Man
Captain Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Question of
What notable ability does Monica Rambeau have as Spectrum/Photon?
Energy absorption and manipulation
Super strength
Time travel
Mind control
Question of
Which organization does Carol Danvers initially work for as a pilot?
The U.S. Air Force
The Kree Starforce
Question of
Who is the director of “The Marvels”?
Taika Waititi
Jon Favreau
Nia DaCosta
James Gunn
Question of
What is the name of Kamala Khan’s hometown?
Jersey City
San Francisco