Step into a world where the mysteries of the cosmos collide with the comedic genius of everyday life. “The Big Bang Theory,” is a groundbreaking television series that takes audiences on an unforgettable journey. It is a walk through the trials, triumphs, and hilarity of a group of brilliant but socially awkward scientists. A show that has a perfect iconic opening theme to its endearing characters. This critically acclaimed sitcom captures the essence of friendship, love, and the never-ending quest for knowledge. With its blend of scientific curiosity and side-splitting humor, “The Big Bang Theory” has become a cultural phenomenon that transcends the boundaries of the television screen. It has left an indelible mark on popular culture. Prepare to embark on a cosmic adventure filled with unforgettable moments, endless laughs, and an insatiable curiosity. Big Bang Theory mirrors the infinite expanse of the universe itself. Welcome to the world of “The Big Bang Theory.”
Are you a true Big Bang Theory Fan? Take this Interesting Trivia Quiz to test your knowledge. Share your scores with us on our Instagram.
Question of
Raj had a dog whom he love like it was his girlfriend. What was the dog’s breed?
Golden Retriever
German Shepherd
Yorkshire Terrier
Question of
One member of the show’s cast holds a PhD in real life. Who is it?
Mayim Bialik
Kaley Cuoco
Johnny Galecki
Jim Parsons
Jim Parsons
Question of
What was Howard’s nickname given to him by his fellow astronauts when he went into space?
Froot Loops
None of the above
Question of
Amy bought a monkey to her place in Season 4, what was the monkey’s weird problem?
Eating Gum
Question of
Leonard and Penny lived in Apartment _________?
Question of
In first few seasons, Raj called his apartment as ____________?
Palace of Raj
Casa de Raj
Raj Mahal
Raj Manor
Question of
Penny was married to Zack for ___________?
Three Weeks
Three Year
Penny never married Zack
None of the above
Question of
Dr. Sheldon Cooper has oatmeal on ________ day?
Question of
Amy and Sheldon created a game. What was its name?
Law and Order
Fun with Flags
The Game of Fire
Question of
Amy and Sheldon won a Nobel Prize for this theory. What was its name?
Super-Asymmetry Theory
Mankind is dumb theory
Super-Symmetry Theory
None of the above
Question 6 the answer is Raj Mahal, I distinctly remember the exact line where he says, “welcome to the Raj Mahal”