Vincenzo is a popular South Korean drama that aired in 2021, blending dark comedy, crime, and drama elements. The story revolves around Vincenzo Cassano, a Korean-Italian lawyer and consigliere for the mafia, played by Song Joong-ki. After a betrayal within his mafia family, Vincenzo returns to South Korea to retrieve hidden gold underneath the Geumga Plaza building. However, things take an unexpected turn when he becomes entangled with the quirky tenants of the plaza and teams up with Hong Cha-Young, a feisty lawyer portrayed by Jeon Yeo-bin. Together, they fight against a corrupt conglomerate, Babel Group, using both legal and unconventional methods. The series is known for its clever plot twists, witty dialogue, and memorable characters, as well as its critique of social justice and corporate corruption. Vincenzo became a global hit, captivating audiences with its mix of humor, suspense, and intense action.
Question of
What is Vincenzo Cassano’s profession in Italy?
Mafia Boss
Question of
Which building does Vincenzo want to demolish to retrieve hidden gold?
Babel Tower
Geumga Plaza
Vincenzo Tower
Seoul Plaza
Question of
Who becomes Vincenzo’s main ally in his fight against the Babel Group?
Jang Han-seo
Hong Cha-Young
Choi Myung-hee
Jang Joon-woo
Question of
What is Vincenzo’s signature way of dealing with enemies?
Public humiliation
Physical combat
Arson and manipulation
Question of
What does the Guillotine File contain?
Information on gold reserves
Records of illegal activities of powerful people
List of Babel Group shareholders
Identities of Geumga Plaza tenants
Question of
Who is the true leader of Babel Group revealed to be?
Jang Han-seo
Vincenzo Cassano
Hong Cha-Young
Jang Joon-woo
Question of
What does Vincenzo use to kill the corrupt lawyer Choi Myung-hee?
A pack of wolves
Question of
Which tenant of Geumga Plaza is a former hacker?
Mr. Tak
Seo Mi-ri
Mr. An
Lee Cheol-Wook
Question of
What is Vincenzo’s real name before he became an adopted member of the Cassano family?
Park Joo-hyung
Jang Han-seok
Jang Jun-woo
Kim Min-seok
Question of
What symbolic item does Vincenzo often carry with him?
A revolver
A gold coin
A pocket watch
A rosary