Following the huge success of The Vampire Diaries and The Originals, it was logical to expand this fantasy realm with another spin-off series. The Originals came to an end in the summer of 2018 after five fantastic seasons. Legacies premiered in October of the same year, so we didn’t have to wait long to see it.
Hope Mikaelson attends a school for the young and talented two years after the events of The Originals. Students can explore their supernatural and magical skills in a secure environment at the school. It’s the next generation’s tale. Legacies did not disappoint the already large fanbase, with many recognisable names and faces.
What better time to put your Legacies knowledge to the test than now, with two seasons under your belt and a third on the way? It’s simple to become emotionally immersed in the lives of these young individuals thanks to an outstanding cast and intriguing plots. However, how well do you recall them? Only a Salvatore or a Mikaelson could get a perfect score on this quiz!