
“Vampire Versus Werewolf: Twilight Trivia Battle”

  • Question of

    What is the name of the restaurant where Edward and Bella have their first real conversation?

    • La Bella Italia
    • Forks Diner
    • Bella Luna
    • The Lodge
  • Question of

    What gift does Jacob give Bella before the battle against the newborn vampires?

    • Dreamcatcher
    • Silver bracelet
    • A handmade wolf charm
    • Motorcycle helmet
  • Question of

    Who was the vampire that created Jasper Hale?

    • James
    • Maria
    • Victoria
    • Charlotte
  • Question of

    What is the name of the Volturi guard with the ability to sense the relationships between people?

    • Demetri
    • Felix
    • Afton
    • Chelsea
  • Question of

    What year was Edward Cullen born?

    • 1905
    • 1901
    • 1899
    • 1912
  • Question of

    Which vampire can manipulate emotions in the Twilight Saga?

    • Alice Cullen
    • Jasper Hale
    • Rosalie Hale
    • Victoria
  • Question of

    What is the significance of the moon in the Quileute tribe’s legends?

    • Immortality
    • Source of the vampires’ power
    • Wolves’ transformation
    • Balance between good and evil
  • Question of

    What year did the Cullen family first settle in Forks, Washington?

    • 1935
    • 1948
    • 1950
    • 1936
  • Question of

    What is the name of the vampire-human hybrid who was almost identical to Renesmee?

    • Nahuel
    • Huilen
    • Benjamin
    • Alistair
  • Question of

    In “Breaking Dawn,” what is the true nature of Bella’s gift?

    • Mind reading
    • Mental shielding
    • Elemental control
    • Memory manipulation

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