“Gossip Girl” is a popular teen drama series that aired from 2007 to 2012, based on the book series by Cecily von Ziegesar. Set in New York City’s Upper East Side, the show delves into the lives of privileged high school students as they navigate love, friendship, and betrayal, all while under the scrutiny of a mysterious blogger known as Gossip Girl. The series follows the glamorous yet tumultuous lives of Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Chuck Bass, Nate Archibald, and Dan Humphrey, whose secrets and scandals are constantly exposed to the world. With its iconic fashion, complex relationships, and sharp social commentary, “Gossip Girl” became a cultural phenomenon, influencing a generation and leaving a lasting legacy in the world of teen drama.
Question of
Who was revealed to be Gossip Girl in the series finale?
Serena van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey
Blair Waldorf
Nate Archibald
Question of
What is the name of the secret society Blair desperately wants to join at Yale?
The Glendenning Club
Skull and Bones
The St. Elmo Society
The Seven Society
Question of
What is Chuck Bass’s signature phrase?
“I’m Chuck Bass.”
“That’s life on the Upper East Side.”
“You know you love me.”
Question of
What is the real name of Serena’s cousin, who pretends to be Charlie Rhodes?
Juliet Sharp
Lola Rhodes
Vanessa Abrams
Ivy Dickens
Question of
What is Jenny Humphrey’s dream job?
Fashion Designer
Question of
Which magazine does Dan intern for while still in high school?
The New Yorker
Rolling Stone
Vanity Fair
The New York Times
Question of
Who does Lily van der Woodsen marry first in the series?
Rufus Humphrey
Bart Bass
William van der Woodsen
Harold Waldorf
Question of
What European city does Serena briefly move to with Carter Baizen?
Question of
What is Blair Waldorf’s favorite dessert?
Chocolate cake
Question of
What is the name of Rufus and Lily’s love child?