
How Well Can You Do in This Legacies Trivia Quiz?

Legacies is a perfect combination of a lot of things. If you like the combination of magic, horror, and the agonies of high school. This might be the right fit for you. It is a hybrid spin-off of two different long-running series. It explores a different dynamic than “The Original” and “Vampire Diaries”. A show that features a new generation of supernatural students at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. Mystic Falls may be fictional but it is our go-to fantasy place. This story is about the latest generation of supernatural beings. Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman made the Salvatore School. A place where kids like Hope Michaelson can make good use of their extra magical powers. But soon they realized that they have to deal with monsters and going forward, the story gets more exciting. Legacies is a combination of complicated friendships, betrayal, and romantic entanglements. There is a lot to it that makes it exciting to watch.

We give you a chance to tell how well you know about Legacies. Take the quiz and test yourself.

  • Question of

    Which of these creature has not been seen in Season 1 and 2?

    • Dragon
    • Siren
    • Croatoans
    • Gargoyle
  • Question of

    Who escorted Josie during the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant in Season 1?

    • Landon
    • Penelope
    • Hope
    • Rafael
  • Question of

    Which of the following character had not travelled to the Prison World in Season 2?

    • Hope
    • Lizzie
    • Landon
    • None of the above
  • Question of

    Who said these lines: “I care too much. It’s kind of a problem”?

    • Alaric
    • Hope
    • Landon
    • Josie
  • Question of

    Fill in the blank, “Hope and Landon have been dating for _____________”?

    • 6 years
    • 2 years
    • 1 year
    • None of the above
  • Question of

    What is the name the first monster of Season 3?

    • Banshee
    • Nimue
    • Gargoyle
    • None of the above
  • Question of

    What will Necromancer do if you put a tip in its tip jar?

    • Make you laugh
    • Dance
    • Eat
    • Sing
  • Question of

    Who was Landon’s note addressed to in the Prison World?

    • Dr. Saltzman
    • Hope
    • Josie
    • To whom it may concern
    • To whom it may concern
  • Question of

    Who said these lines, “Don’t let fear drive you away from something good”?

    • Kaleb
    • Landon
    • Hope
    • Cleo
  • Question of

    True or false, “Werewolves always chase Vampires”?

    • True
    • False

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