Legacies is an American fantasy drama television series created by Julie Plec, which premiered on the CW on October 25, 2018. It features characters from both the series The Originals and The Vampire Diaries.
TVD and its spin-offs are a favorite, especially among Americans. Mystic Falls may be fictional but it is our go-to fantasy place!
This story is about the latest generation of supernatural beings. Caroline Forbes and Alaric Saltzman made the Salvatore School where kids like Hope Michaelsob can make good use of their extra magical powers.
But soon they realized that they have to deal with monsters and going forward, the story gets more exciting.
We give you a chance to tell how well you know about Legacies. Take the quiz and test yourself.
Question of
Where was Landon Kirby taken?
Balmoral Hall School
Landmark East School
Salvatore Boarding School
St. George School
Question of
What is Malivore?
Dark Black Pit
Eater of the dark
Mud Monster
Black Magic
Question of
What was stolen by Landon?
Question of
What punishment was given to MG, Hope, Lizzie and Josie?
Suspension from the School
Community service in Mystic Falls
Attempt a carefree life on road
No using of super natural powers
Question of
Who jumped in the Malivore?
Hope, Landon
Alaric, Josie
Lizzie, Hope
Josie, Lizzie
Question of
Who was the new Headmaster at the School?
Question of
Who’s friend was Sebastian?
Question of
Who killed Pothos? A heart eating monster.
Question of
The only survivor of the bus accident was found to be a?
Fish Guy
Question of
What can Nacromancer do?
Can kill anyone
Bring back anyone or anything dead
Discover hidden knowledge
Black Magic
The ones thath jumped in malivore were not Josie and lizzie it was hope and landons mother
Q5 –
Lizzie and Josie never went into Malivore.
Q9 –
The answer is “Dragon”. Alaric thought that it was a pyromancer (witch that breathes fire), but then they realized it was actually a dragon.
Some of the answers in this quiz were not correct.
Q2 –
Malivore is both “Dark Black Pit” and “Eater of the Dark”. The word “Malivore” literally means “Eater of the Dark”, like how “Carnivore” means “Eater of meat” and “Herbivore” means “Eater of Plants.”